Principal's Message

Foster Secondary College has an outstanding record of achieving success for all students. Established in 1920, the College has a long history in the local community and has been recently rebuilt to provide an excellent learning environment for students in Years 7 – 12.
The College motto: Nihl Sine Labore – nothing without effort – backs up a key attribute of learning promoted at FSC. Students are encouraged to try to the very best of their ability in all aspects of College life, whether in class or in one of the many extra-curricula activities offered by the College. We develop independent learners who are able to solve problems, to establish respectful relationships with others and take responsibility for their actions.
The aspirations of our students and their families are important in how each student’s program is shaped beginning with opportunities in Year 7 through until the senior years when the emphasis is on preparation for VCE or VET programs. Past students from Foster Secondary College (formerly South Gippsland SC and Foster High) have gone on to achieve outstanding careers in professional areas, the arts, sciences, health as well as farming, trades and retail. We are proud of each achievement and continue to encourage students to aspire to the future of their dreams and then to work towards attaining it.
I encourage you to contact the College at any time for further information and welcome the opportunity to show you what an excellent learning environment Foster Secondary College provides for all students.