
Wellbeing at Foster Secondary College
The Wellbeing team at Foster Secondary College consists of a full time Student Wellbeing co-ordinator position, part time Wellbeing support officer position and part time Secondary School nurse position along with regular support from the Student Support Officers (Psychology and social work) located within the region.
The Student Wellbeing Team works closely with Year Level Coordinators and other key staff to support students and families to manage social health, mental health and educational difficulties. The team refers appropriately to local and regional agencies to address student needs including the expertise of the local South Gippsland Hospital Youth Assist Clinic where students can directly access a doctor and HeadSpace workers.
The full time Wellbeing Co-Ordinator position provides continuity to the school community with a safe, private space for students to check in and problem solve matters that arise. Carli Gibson is an experienced professional able to guide students and families in approaches that support health and education.
The Secondary School Nurse role in Emma Hughes contributes to supporting Victoria’s education system by reducing the impact of health and wellbeing challenges experienced by students that potentially influence their learning outcome. The program aims to reduce risk-taking behaviours by working with individual students and in a group education setting.
The Mental Health practitioners in schools program allows for an accredited Mental Health Nurse, Sandra Challis, to be on site weekly to work clinically with students one to one to support and manage emotional and mental health needs.
The FSC Wellbeing team is supported by the Department of Education Regional Student Support Services Officer who liaise regularly with the WB team to provide secondary consultation and advice on student wellbeing.

Is it important that young people feel connected, protected and free to pursue their path in life, including their education in a formal learning environment, such as Foster Secondary College (FSC).
School is but one part of their life, however a significant part of their week.
Wellbeing Staff
In 2021 the key Wellbeing team staff available to FSC students to assist with health and wellbeing needs will be Carli Gibson(Wellbeing Coordinator) , who will work Monday to Friday and Anna Stefani (Secondary School Nurse/ Well being assistant), who will be working Monday to Wednesday each week.
Students can schedule time with Anna or Carli to explore their health needs. Other relevant school personnel and Student Support Services will be included if necessary, to guide the best resolution for the individual. Or external referral may be necessary.
At FSC, the team will encourage and promote the involvement of family and carers so that all the aspects of health can be supported in the young person’s life.
The Wellbeing staff work closely with school coordinators (Careers practitioner and FSC Leadership) to promote best outcomes for students in relation to attendance, subject selection and engagement and future pathways.
Student Support Services

Foster Youth Assist Clinic
The Wellbeing Team and FSC support and coordinate students to attend the Foster Youth Assist Clinic (YAC) each Monday. This is an external service to the school, which is provided via the South Gippsland Hospital.
YAC is located in the Foster War Memorial Arts Centre and is staffed by an Adolescent Health Nurse, General Physician (Doctor), and a visiting Headspace Outreach Youth Worker.
Students can access YAC by securing an appointment time by recess on Mondays (with the School Nurse) that enables them to be time efficient in seeking support for health care needs. The service is entirely confidential, professional and youth centred.
FSC asks that any student under 16 seeks parental permission to leave the school grounds as FSC maintains a duty of care to its school community.
Foster Youth Assist Clinic (YAC)
Wellbeing Promotion @FSC
Throughout the school year we run numerous initiatives (both within classes and key speaker presentations) which are designed to enhance health, extend wellbeing and promote connection and sense of place.
The Respectful Relationships Program initiative is alive at FSC and we continue to everyday promote a culture of respect and gender equality.
Celebrating culture and running Koori initiatives is another key focus. In 2021 we hope to develop the Indigenous garden.
Cyber safety, first aid, life skills safety and awareness are all areas we endeavor to connect the students with.
We welcome partnerships with local community organisations to support wellbeing at FSC.
We will be developing and promoting healthy and active lunchtime activities, aligning with state and regional guidelines and creating a culture of connection within Foster Secondary College.
School and community are protective factors in a young persons life.
We collectively look forward to another year working and supporting young people to have the best health and wellbeing outcomes possible.
Respectful Relationships Program
Helpful Health and Wellbeing Links:
Youth: (please go to South Coast Youth Clinics)
Parents / Guardian
Please go to Raising Children, Teens